Tuesday, June 29, 2010


The last few days were spent in Nana glow in Winnipeg. There, surrounded by my three grandchildren and their parents love, I felt the contentment that we all long for. There is nothing like unconditional love to make a person feel like they have some value in this old world.

My eldest son, Mike, and his wife, Stacie, gave birth to their first son/third child. You can imagine how happy finally having a boy made Mike feel. Stacie, while happy as well was experiencing a few different emotions. This was her first boy baby. She does not have any brothers, and has no experience with boy parts. Mixed with her joy is fear of the unknown. Being an only child (with a few stepsisters who did not live nor grow up with her), she was not pushed nor pulled through a lot of new experiences by her siblings. This sharing of life experiences really does make us better prepared to handle new things.

Still, gratefully, Stacie's mom, Gayle, is still around to come to the rescue and help with the new boy baby transition. After my few days there, I could see and appreciate how much help she is being to Stacie and through that, to Mike.

All that was required of me was to spend time entertaining my eldest grandchild, Mya, who is my #1 Sweetie-pie. Being four hours away from Winnipeg, sometimes feels like forty hours away, when life and health does not allow me to visit as much as I would like.

One day, I was feeling a bit lonely so I called Stacie, just to chat. Mya answered the phone and immediately noticed that my voice sounded down. She decided to cheer me up. She got four books, put the phone on speaker, and sat and read stories to me for almost an hour. After each book, she would say, "this one will cheer you up, Nana." and be off on another story.

The last one she chose was The Cat In The Hat's Green Eggs and Ham. It was one that we always read together and had down to memory. Mya would say the query lines and I would say the responses--using the appropriate funny voices, of course. By the end of that story, we both had the giggles. Mya decided her job was finished and finally handed the phone to Stacie.

What a joy! My favorite sweetie-pie has a sense of intuitiveness where it comes to other's feelings. This and so many other things makes us kindred spirits. Even at the ripe old age of 5 years, she will give me a knowing glance when someone or something is not right, is hurting, or needs assistance. She pitches in with a cheery smile, expecting nothing in return.

Maybe I wasn't the world's best mom, but who was? Still, God has seen fit to allow me the privilege and joy of being around to share time with my grandchildren. More and more, I find that what I am most grateful for is His love, grace, and the many blessings He has placed in my life--foremost being my husband, my children, and now my grandchildren. None of this depends on whether or not I deserve this outpouring of love. He does not keep a ledger of what we have earned. He just pours it out upon us freely.

No matter what is going on in your life, my dear ones, He is pouring out many blessings as well. He loves you, unconditionally.

Be blessed,