Monday, March 12, 2007

The Taxman Commeth

It seems odd to me to not have a T-4 slip to present to the accountant when he comes to do our taxes, later today. There have been very few years when I have had no taxable income to report. I could get to like this; except for the being poor part. ha ha

It has been a year of struggling to put a Creative Writing Consultant's business together with some small successes, a lot of learning, a little teaching, and lots of creative and organizational work (which just happens to be my specialty). Now, the website is up and running, ( and affiliates have been and continue to be added. The lessons are almost all done the creation phase, and a few have actually been accessed.

What I am now finding is the benifits of networking with other writing-based web sites and web people. This networking is something I had not realized and it is such a wonderful bonus to the hours and hours of hard work.

This semester, I have the pleasure of teaching a person who is rather influential in the education organizations of our district. Through him, I have learned a lot about what works as a teacher and what does not. He is always encouraging and we have some wonderful talks about his WIP (work-in-progress) and writing in general. Another great joy--to share what I love so much with others who are hungry to learn about it.

When I am tempted to get discouraged; start thinking of the hundreds of hours I have already put into lesson creation, web creation, research, etc., I have decided to concentrate, instead, on the works of fiction that are now in print, on bookstore shelves, that have my fingerprints on them in small or significant ways. Then, I realize that even though I am not becoming a rich and famous author in a quick hurry, I am impacting others with my knowledge and skill. That, I feel, may just be reward enough.

As in all things that God leads me to, my part may be very small, and seem insignificant, when viewed on its own. However, when I step back and look at the larger picture, I can see that my part was important and necessary to make the whole thing come together to God's plan.

Daily, I am thankful that He helps me to realize my worth and value as a person. So, even though I do not have my first million dollars in book sales to report to the tax man, the Man who does my final audit knows that my value is counted in more than dollar bills. Thankfully, through His love and support, I am able to recognize that, as well.

Be blessed, my dear ones. Know that your true value is in the respect, love, appreciation and memories that others have for you. Your value is in Christ Jesus, through whom all these good things come.

Till next time, Jude

1 comment:

Heather said...

I'm glad you are blogging again...real blogging! BTW, T4 slips are highly over-rated!