Monday, October 31, 2005

I have often wondered about those people who are content to live in one place for the duration of their lives. I have often wished that I could be one of those people. But, I am not built that way. The desire to experience new things; go new places; meet new people does not allow me to remain content and stationary for very long. Unfortunately, I am married to a man who is about as stationary as they come. Even a short trip to town throws him off his axis. Still, for the most part, we balance each other out.
He keeps me grounded and gives me a place to come home to. I help him to realize and experience a bit of the world outside the parameters of our farm. It is generally a good relationship. For the last two years, however, we have struggled on our own. I lived in a city, which was much like where I grew up, and he remained on the farm. This experience taught us that we both need a bit of what the other brought into the relationship to give our lives just the right balance and flavor.
For me, all of the special moments and experiences lost something because he was not there to share them with me. For him, the farm felt more like a place, than a home without the special touches that I added. It was obvious to both of us that neither of us could be completely happy nor content without the others presence.
So, after two years of trying it on our own, we reunited as man and wife. Being in the same house, on the same farm, with the same furniture/dishes/bedding, etc. may sound like we have gone backwards, but actually, quite the contrary.
We are both much wiser and both realize just how much we love and desire to share the rest of our lives with one another. We had lost that in the day to day struggles of life. So, being back together we find that we are both much changed for the experience of parting. We no longer take each other for granted. Every day together is a blessing which we both appreciate.
Now, God willing, we will have many years together to grow and experience and share together. For myself, just the fact that we were able to reunite shows me that both of us are pretty special people.
So, my friends, where-ever you are, who-ever you are with, know that if you step back...Perhaps not as far as we did...You will, once again, remember just what it was that made you pick that particular person to spend your life with. You will realize just how much they complete and compliment you. I pray that you are all as blessed in your relationships as Brian and I are in ours.
Through the love of Christ, Jude

1 comment:

mwak71 said...

You may want to update your profile!