Monday, December 03, 2007

Sparkling White Winter

It is finally here; our sparkling white winter. For the last few years, there hasn't been any significant amount of snow. I know, this sounds like a real blessing, doesn't it? However, my daughter is coming home to get married, and one of her dreams is a white wedding and Christmas. Since she hasn't been home for Christmas for several years, she hasn't seen how little snow we have experienced for that time.

So, it was with great joy, that I watched as the snow fell...and fell...and fell! We are now up to about 8 inches of the white stuff. Which is more like what it is supposed to be like here in the frozen north.

This morning, as I left at first light for town and the swimming pool, I was overwhelmed with the beauty of my drive. The temperature had plummeted, through the night, and all of the trees, bushes, and fences were covered with hoar frost. Everything was white and sparkling with the frosty crystals. It was indeed a winter wonderland. How I wished that this was wedding day, and all of my daughters friends and new relatives from New Zealand were here to witness God's winter handiwork.

There was no wind to speak of, nor sunshine,so the beauty of the frost lasted all day. Just having this sparkling beauty around me kept my spirits up as I went through my busy day.

As I was driving home, I remembered when, as a young child, I had asked my father why they call it "horror" frost. My dad's response was, "because everything is so horrified at how cold it has become. They put on this layer of frost, which, like long underwear, protects them from the cold."

Well, I am now 55 years old, and that is still the only explaination I have ever had of hoar frost. So, until someone tells me different, I will continue to view it as the trees and bushes putting on their long underwear to ward off the bitter cold.

I wonder, did you ever ask about one of these winter wonders? What was the response you got? If you have a good "winter" story, will you email it to me at and I will compile and send them to everyone who has contributed a story.

There is much that is harsh about winter weather, here in Canada's Northland. However, there is much that is beautiful. I wouldn't trade the glistening white snow for all the sand in Florida.

Be blessed, my dear ones. Take a moment to remember the wonder that the white stuff brought to our young hearts. Have a warm cup of hot chocolate, and wrap yourself in the warmth of childhood memories.



Nancy Robinson said...

Happy Holidays from the Pineapple
Express in central B.C. All our beautiful snow is gone...keeping fingers crossed that this will soon change. Tis a perfect day to go out with my two Santa's helpers "Happy & Hector" brother and sister to Blue pup, grab the ladder and Xmas lights and get at it for the Meadow Lake Lighting contest. Save travels to all that are joining family over the
Robinson Ranch

Unknown said...

I don't know when you got all the snow Jude, but I know what you are saying! We just got about 6 inches here in Windsor, Ontario. I just love it! I am dreaming of a White Christmas in every way! BTW--congratulations on your daughter getting married. All the best to you and yours, and Merry Christmas! Your friend always Simone