Saturday, October 06, 2007

World Rugby

Okay, I have to admit right off that I am not a great sports fan. While I wish our Canadian teams well, I really have not kept up with even our hockey more than I needed to for conversations with my sons. It has been a long time since I sat through a game of anything other than equestrian sports.

With my daughter in New Zealand, and there being so little we are able to share of that experience, I have taken the plunge and began to watch the Rugby World Cup games. At first, it was just so I could witness the New Zealand All Blacks do the Huka, but then I got hooked into the game.

You know how these obsessions begin; first it is just one, then another, and before you know it you are having supper 2 hours late because you didn't want to miss any of the game. Which, would be alright if you lived alone and did not have a husband waiting for his supper.

Next, you find yourself getting up at 6 am so you didn't miss the beginning of a game. This time, I can justify my unusual behaviour because it was the first Canadian game I was able to watch. I sat bleary-eyed and sipped my tea, waiting in half-asleep anticipation for the teams to come out and sing their national anthems. How proud I was feeling that my country's team would be singing 'O Canada' for all the world to hear.

The teams were about a half hour late, from what the listing on my satellite guide said, but I made another cup of tea, and settled to wait. Feeling more awake by now, I decided to flip through the guide to see when and who the next game was going to be.

Then, I heard the announcer say that the teams were coming on to the field. I sat up in my chair, my proud Canadian chest sticking out just a touch further. I closed the guide and found...much to my dismay...Argentina and France were the two teams coming on to the field.

Where was the Canadian team? I wondered. I checked the listing, one more time--making sure that I had the correct day and time. Now, I was wide awake.

As the teams did their pre-game posturing, I went into my office and got online to check out the World Cup game schedule. Only to find that it was indeed scheduled for Argentina and France to be playing. Canada had played the day before. MAN!!!!!

Well, I thought to myself, I was already awake, so might as well watch the game that was on. To my pleasant surprise, it was a great game. The teams were evenly matched, so I was able to really see how the game was played. I learned a lot about the rules, as I watched these two powerful teams battle it out.

A few days later, I actually got to see the last game Canada played. They fought bravely, and I was very proud of them, but unfortunately, they lost and were now out of the tournament. What I was most proud of, though, was the way the announcer kept pointing out how they played a clean game--they played a game respecting the rules, and used the other teams pension for breaking them to its advantage.

Well, since Canada is out, I have decided to put all of my newly-found rugby-fan energy to supporting 1st, the Scottish team (our families ancestors are Scottish), and second to them, the All Blacks.

I do enjoy watching the All Blacks the most. I recognize some of their players, now, and really think they are going to win it all. But, they are so powerful, and such a good team, that most of their games are one-sided, leaving me a little bored, to tell the truth. The Scottish team is a force to be reckoned with and are on a very close level with the other teams left in the competition.

So, now that I am paying extra on my satellite dish to watch the rugby and soccer channel, I plan to get to know the teams and understand the game much better before next years World Cup.

I will still support my Canadian team, but at least I will be able to make a more educated stand on whom else I will be supporting with my viewing hours.

Rugby is a tough game, and I must say that I am very impressed with how gentlemanly it is played. I am utterly impressed with all but one of the referees. And he looses my respect by being the only referee I have watched that did not call blatant penalties when they were right in front of him. It was as if he had an interest in the outcome of the game. That put me off a bit. I also witnessed my first "drama" fall. A fellow was hardly touched and fell down like he was dying. The ref went and chatted with him for a second and they guy smiled and got up. He played the rest of the game with just as much gusto as before, so obviously, he wasn't "dying".

So, there you have it, my new passion. It comes along with my beading, which has been so much fun. I now have 2 dress shops that are purchasing my designs and selling them in their stores. People tell me to sell them online, but I haven't really thought too much about it. This month is Breast Cancer Awareness month. My little sister is a breast cancer survivor, so in her honour, I have made some breast cancer charm bracelets to sell. $5.00 from each one is being donated to Canadian Breast Cancer.

So, that is what I am up to these days. Also, volunteering at The Salvation Army, but that is a subject for another blog. For now, my dear ones, know that God loves you, and so do I.

1 comment:

Heather said...

I LOVE YOU! You made me smile. Just a few pointers...
1) The Rugby World Cup is only every 4 years...
2) I suggest you pick, at least, one more team to support...may I suggest South Africa??
3) and lastly, it's the "Haka" not the "huka"