Wednesday, December 30, 2009

God's Warning Signs

My home is situated in a rural area of Northwestern Ontario. People come and go, but other than that, not much changes. The seasons rotate, children grow up, every once in a while, someone will move in or move away. However, in the grand scheme of things, day in and day out, life remains the same.

A while back, someone, in their ultimate wisdom, put up a stop sign by an uncontrolled train track. This train track has been there since very early in the 1900's. People have come and gone, crossing the tracks, for over 100 years. They got used to slowing down to a crawl, looking both ways, then proceeding with caution--not exactly the railroad rule of stop, look, and listen that we learned in grade school. But these "country stops" are the norm around here. At each stop sign, road junction, train track, etc. we just slow down to a crawl, give a good look, then proceed (sometimes with caution, sometimes without--depending on how distracted we are).

The other day, I crossed the tracks, and realized that I had crossed the tracks and barely slowed down. I couldn't remember if I had looked left or right. I did NOT stop at the stop sign. Needless to say, I found that rather distressing. How often, I wondered, had I crossed those tracks without giving them the respect that they should have had?

Then, I got to thinking about how God gives us a sign. He prepares us for the hard times in our lives. We, in our human narcissism, do not recognize these signs. When we do, we often try to rationalize, minimize what He is trying to tell us.

Things are always bad before they get worse. We need to be so in tune with Him that we recognize the warning signs and seek guidance and help before things get worse.

It is like this stop sign that seems to have been posted for no apparent reason. Someone, somewhere, knew something that was not mine to know. They had the authority to do something to prevent something bad from becoming something worse. Instead of respecting that, those of us who have crossed that track for years, simply kept crossing in the same way we always had.

Years ago, a fellow had been killed while going over the train tracks. The story is that he was tired and wasn't paying attention. How is that different from my not paying attention and not slowing down and taking a good look?

In the past couple of years the speed and length of trains has increased exponentially. There are no longer cabooses, engineers are at the controls for extremely long hours, and the chances of a train/auto accident has been increased accordingly.

Just like that stop sign, God gives us signs to get our attention. They are meant to slow us down so that we will wait for his guidence. They are meant to slow us down or stop us, so we wait for his will, his timing, his plan to play itself out in our lives.

Just like that stop sign, I have gone by these God signs without paying attention. Next thing I know, I have found myself at a destination, or in a situation, which is definitely out of his will, timing, or plan for my life. Usually, when finding myself lost like that, I then turn for his guidance. As my mom would say, "a day late, and a penny short." My husband says it is like shutting the barn door after the cow got loose. Either way, it is the same principal...I am in a fine mess of my own making because I did not keep God involved. I did not seek his voice, nor did I pay attention to any of the signs that He supplied to warn me that I was out of his will.

So, my sweet ones, whether the signs before you make sense, or not, pay attention. God just might be trying to prevent something bad from becoming worse. Take the time to slow down and listen for his voice. Put your stubborn self aside and seek his guidance--before you find yourself in a pickle.

In all things, and in all times, know that He loves you. His greatest desire is your good.
Jeremiah 29:11 For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

Have a wonderful, God based beginning to 2010. Remember that every single moment is a blessing. God could either call you home, or send Christ to return at any moment. Live each day to do some good for others, to honour God and bring increase to the kingdom. Watch for his signs in your life, and stay close to his side.

Happy New Year!

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