Monday, March 22, 2010

Pressing In

“I trust in your plan for my life, Lord; but please listen while I tell You what that is.”

How much do you really trust that God has a plan for your life? Do you truly believe that He is working it all out for your good?

“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and eternal life.”

When we are busy telling God what the ‘plan’ is for our life, do we realize that we may be getting in God’s way? How can we possibly promise the same glorious outcome to our earthly, ignorant plans that God is promising?

It is your life. God has given you self will to make your own choices. However, knowing the weakness of the human condition, He has also provided us with an instructional guide in form of the Bible. He has furthermore provided us with personal instruction in the form of the Holy Spirit. Going one step further, He has given us the ultimate goal to strive for and a way to achieve it.

Pastor has spoken about pressing in. I have asked several Christians, of different faiths, from all around the world, what they would tell a new Christian “pressing in” meant. It surprised me to find that some had never heard that term, some did not know what it meant, and some decided to legalize the simple phrase into a very complicated discussion on religion.

How can we possibly be in step with God’s perfect plan for our lives if we do not know how to press in closer to His presence? Needless to say, my prayer list has gotten much longer with my research on the subject. For myself, though, I am going to seek Him fervently. I am going to press in so close that I may leave bruises on his ribs—such is my desire to be close to Him.

Press in, dear ones. If you are not clear on what that means, or how to accomplish it, talk to your Pastor.Remember, if you are wise enough to recognize what you do not know or understand, and intelegent enough to seek wisdom, the possibility for growth, knowledge, and understanding is greatly increased.

My challenge for this week is to purposely make time for Him. I will open my Bible and seek His company, His guidence, and His wisdom. I will press in to Him with all my might.

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